A theology of Japan: Origins and Task in the Age of Globalization

シリーズA Theology of Japan: Monograph Series Vol. 1
編著者Hideo Ohki
Atsuyoshi Fujiwara
David Oki Ahearn
Tomoaki Fukai
Woon-Hae Nag
ページ数121 ページ
ISBN978-4-915832-59-8 C3316


This first volume of the monograph series, A Theology of Japan explores a theology that arose in post-war Japan and moved out to Asia and the rest of the world. It also considers from a theological perspective the sixty years following the end of the war.



A Theology of Japan and the Post‐War Japan: On the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Defeat in World War 2
A Theology of Japan: Independence of the Intellect in Japan
The Theology of Hideo Ohki and a “Theology of Japan”
Responsible Globalization
Globalization and a Theology of Japan
Globalization, American Religious Identity, and the “Theology of Japan”
Theology of Japan as Public Theology
The Necessity of a “Theology of Japan” and its Scope from an Asian Perspective
A Theology of Japan: Prophetic and Priestly Theology as the Believers’ Church