シリーズ | A Theology of Japan: Monograph Series Vol.7 |
編著者 | Atsuyoshi Fujiwara, Brian Byrd, eds. |
判型 | B5変 |
ページ数 | 134 ページ |
製本 | 並製 |
発行日 | 2014年03月 |
ISBN | 978-4-907113-09-4 |
定価 | 2,750円(10%税込) |
在庫 | あり |
The Church Embracing the Sufferers, Moving Forward continues the task of A Theology of Japan 6: Post-disaster Theology from Japan. The lectures and seminar reports included here are from the Great East Japan Earthquake Second International Theological Symposium held in March 2013 that marked the second anniversary of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster. It begins with the keynote address by Fuller Theological Seminary President Richard Mouw, “Serving a Suffering Savior in ‘the Time of God’s Patience.’” In the panel discussion and seminars that followed, a variety of voices from within Japan reflect on and relate the experience of the church as it has dealt with the aftermath of the disaster and sought to take positive steps forward towards recovery and rebuilding. Topics include student volunteer work and the Christian university, Catholic Church volunteer bases, art therapy for pastors from the affected areas, support for children, Christian and Buddhist services for the dead, nuclear power and radiation contamination, and the role of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
Atsuyoshi Fujiwara(フジワラ,アツヨシ)
Fujiwara is Professor of Theology at Seigakuin University near Tokyo. He has also taught at Tokyo Christian University, Aoyama Gakuin University, and Keio University. He received a Ph.D. from Durham University in England.
Brian Byrd(バード,ブライアン)
Byrd has been a member of the Seigakuin University Research Institute since 2003. He graduated from Yale Divinity School in 1984, and came to Japan that year as a missionary. Throughout his career he has worked in English education for children, making numerous presentations and publishing books and papers. He also teaches English Bible classes.
Richard J. Mouw(マオ,リチャード J.)
Mouw served as president of Fuller Theological Seminary for twenty years (1993-2013). With a Ph. D. in philosophy from the University of Chicago, he has broad experience as an academic scholar, seminary leader, and proponent of civility, interfaith dialogue, and strengthened relationships with China.
Mitsuharu Akudo(アクド,ミツハル)
Akudo is the chair and chancellor of Seigakuin University and Schools and the acting president of Seigakuin University. He received his Th. M. from Tokyo Union Theological Seminary.