シリーズ | A Theology of Japan: Monograph Series Vol.10 |
編著者 | Brian Byrd, Mitsuharu Akudo, eds. |
判型 | B5変 |
ページ数 | 156 ページ |
製本 | 並製 |
発行日 | 2017年11月 |
ISBN | 978-4-909022-79-0 C3316 |
定価 | 3,300円(10%税込) |
在庫 | あり |
Brian Byrd
The Rev. Dr. Byrd has been a member of the Seigakuin University Research Institute since 2003. He graduated from Yale Divinity School in 1984 and cameto Japan that year as a pastor and missionary. He wrote his Ph.D. dissertation,Toyohiko Kagawa: A Sympathetic and Critical Study of a Japanese Christian Leader, at Seigakuin University. His recent writings include essays on Duke University’s “Christian Forum for Reconciliation in Northeast Asia: A New Community of Friendship,” “Toyohiko Kagawa and Richard Niebuhr: The Church and Cooperatives,” and “Korean and Japanese Church Relations After 1945: The Path to Reconciliation” (with Mansong Ko). He translated/co-edited volumes 7 and 9 of Seigakuin University’s Theology of Japan series, reports of International Theological Symposiums held in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake. Throughout his career he has worked in English education for children, making numerous presentations and publishing books and papers. He teaches Introduction to Christianity at Aoyama Gakuin University, and is cooperating pastor at Nishi Oi Church (UCCJ).
Mitsuharu Akudo
Rev. Akudo is the former chair and chancellor of Seigakuin University and Schools and former president of Seigakuin University, where he now is professor emeritus of the Graduate School. He graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Departments of Sociology and Law, and after working for Sumitomo Chemicals, received a Th. M. from Tokyo Union Theological Seminary. He studied at Emory University in Atlanta, and headed the team that founded Seigakuin International School in Atlanta and Seigakuin University in Saitama, Japan. His writings include The Intellectual Roots of Modern Democracy, The New Life: A Collection of Sermons, Weber, Troeltsch, Jellinek (co-author), Love God and Serve His People (co-author), and Challenges in Creating a Christian School (co-author). Akudo also serves on several committees, including the Japan Bible Society Bible Translation Committee, and as the head of the Arakawa Ward Committee to Prevent Corruption and the Arakawa Foundation to Promote the Arts. He is Senior Pastor of Takinogawa Church in Tokyo (UCCJ).
Toshiyuki Kubotera
The Rev. Dr. Kubotera is Visiting Professor at Seigakuin University Graduate School in the Department of Social Welfare. He is the former head of the Department of Child Psychology at Seigakuin University. Born in 1939, Kubotera studied at Saitama University, Tokyo Toritsu University Graduate School, Emory University Department of Theology (M. Div.), Colombia Theological Seminary (Th. M.); and Richmond Memorial Hospital, in the CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) Advanced Course, where he received his Ph.D. He served as chaplain at Yodogawa Christian Hospital and professor at Kansai Gakuin University Department of Theology. Kubotera has served on the board of the Japanese Society for Clinical Thanatology and the Japanese Society for the Study of Spiritual Care.
Chul-Ho Youn
The Rev. Dr. Youn is president of the Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (PUTS) Graduate School in Korea, where he is also professor of systematic theology. He is special professor at Onnuri Church. Dr. Youn received a Th.B. and Masters of Divinity from PUTS, Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminar y, and Ph.D. from Nor thwestern University Garrett Evangelical Seminary.
Seoung-Gyu Park
The Rev. Dr. Park is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary in Korea. He received a Th.B., M.Div., and Th.M. at PUTS, and a Doctor of Theology at Münster University.
Yoshibumi Takahashi
The Rev. Dr. Takahashi is Visiting Professor of Theology and Ethics at Seigakuin University, and Assistant Director of he Seigakuin University General Research Institute. He received his Th.D. at Tokyo Union Theological Seminary.
Naozumi Eto
The Rev. Dr. Eto is the President of Japan Lutheran College and Seminary. He graduated from Hitotsubashi University and Japan Lutheran College and Seminary, and received a Masters Degree from Rikkyo University Graduate School and Th.D. from The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He is on the board of the Japan Society of Christian Studies and the Japan Ecumenical Association and chair of the Japan Far East Broadcasting Company; he is a member of the Japan Luther, Japan Bonhoeffer, and Japan Christian Social Welfare Academic Associations.
Chung-Hyun Baik
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (PUTS) and cooperating pastor at Yumkwang Presbyterian Church. He has a B.A. from Seoul University, Master of Divinity from PUTS, Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary, S.T.M. from Yale Divinity School, and Ph.D. from Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley.
Seizo Sekine
Dr. Sekine received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo and his Th.D. from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität ünchen. He is professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo, where he taught in the Department of Social Ethics, and currently a special professor at Seigakuin University Graduate School in the Department of American and European Culture.
Woon-Hae Nag
The Rev. Dr. Woon-Hae Nag is a Japanese Kyodan (UCCJ) missionary serving in Korea as Assistant Professor at the Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (PUTS) and as a cooperating pastor at Saemoonan Presbyterian Church. He is also Visiting Professor at the Seigakuin University General Research Institute. Nag graduated from Tokyo Union Theological Seminary with a Masters Degree and continued his studies in Korea, receiving a Ph.D. from PUTS.
Preface (Brian Byrd)
Seigakuin University (Japan) and Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary (Korea): Reports of the Theological Symposiums
I. Establishing the Dignity of Life (2014)
Introduction: On the Fourth Conference of Japanese and Korean Theologians (Mitsuharu Akudo)
Session I
Spiritual Care for the Wounded Soul (Toshiyuki Kubotera)
Response: Spiritual Healing (Spiritual Care) (Chul-Ho Youn)
Session II
Seeking a Theological Response in the Time of Crisis to Establish the Dignity of Life (Seoung-Gyu Park)
Response: Dialogue to Establish the Dignity of Life:Forming the Basis of Community in East Asia (Mitsuharu Akudo)
II. Forming a Theology of Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation (2016)
Introduction: On the Sixth Conference of Japanese and Korean Theologians (Yoshibumi Takahashi)
Session I
An Essay on the Theology of Confession, Absolution,and Reconciliation: with Emphasis on D. Bonhoeffer (Naozumi Eto)
Response to Naozumi Eto (Chung-Hyun Baik)
Session II
Theology of Reconciliation (Chul-Ho Youn)
Reconciliation and Atonement:A Response to Chul-Ho Youn’s “Theology of Reconciliation” (Seizo Sekine)
Response to Seizo Sekine (Chul-Ho Youn)
III. Essays on Spirituality, the Sanctity of Life, and Japan-Korea Reconciliation
Contributions of Spiritual Discourse in the 21st Century Society:Peace and Spirituality (Mitsuharu Akudo)
“Is There Anything More Precious than Life?”:A Response from a Christian Faith Vowing to “Establish the Sanctity of Life” (Woon-Hae Nag)
Toyohiko Kagawa (1888̶1960): Pioneering Japan-Korea Reconciliation (Brian Byrd)
About the Authors